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    发布时间:2016-08-12 15:20:56| 浏览: |信息编号:699413 置顶 收藏 举报 删除
    • 区域:市区
    • 性别要求:
    • 月薪: 面议
    • 学历: 大专

    China ping an insurance (group) co., LTD., gongyi branch:

    China ping an in 2015 Forbes global top 2000 listed companies ranked 32nd; The United States "fortune" magazine "leading global top 500 enterprises" ranked 11th, the non-state enterprises in China and the first, in addition, WPP group in the UK at Millward Brown released 2016 "top 100" BrandZTM Chinese brand with most value and "of the" top 100 global brands, respectively ranked ninth AD 68; In the world's biggest brand consultancy Interbrand released the list of the best Chinese brand, ranked sixth, for the insurance industry in China and the first brand. Is China's first to insurance as the core, financial securities, trusts, banking, asset management, enterprise annuity and other diversified financial business as one of the tight, high and new, multiple comprehensive financial services group.

    To actively respond to a nation "the public business Peoples innovation ", create a good ecological environment, innovative undertaking inspire innovative entrepreneurial energy. Gongyi city in east China's ping an company hereby provide business platform for the masses, faces the society for the open recruitment, if you are not content to present situation, if you want to be successful business, if you never yielding toughness, so please contact us, we will give you a fair, impartial, open the full development of his own platform!

    Age: 25-50 years old men and women there is no limit

    Job responsibilities: to assist clients to carry out the policy of the, responsible for customer service tracking, to complete the tasks assigned by the company

    Qualifications: after the company's professional training can work independently, team sense of honor and team cooperation consciousness, good communication ability, have more than one year related experience, service, management, sales experience is preferred

    Working time: half a day work week, the weekend double cease

    Allowance + commission (no caps) health care +  disease protection + pension allowance + accumulation fund management professional training + quarterly award + annual bonus +  free tutoring + performance superior awards travel you after today's actions determine your results.

    Calls: 13027749155


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